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Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist

The Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist COMS offers professional certification to demonstrate professional competency that supports quality service delivery to persons with vision impairments. 

Why employ a COMS certified practitioner

  • A high-quality certification validates an individual’s knowledge, skills, training and abilities

  • Allow NDIS participants and other stakeholders to identify individuals with the competencies needed to perform a role or task

  • Increased recognition by peers and respect of colleagues in the profession

  • Improved opportunities for employability and advancement

  • Increased professional trust from NDIS participants the Visiting Teachers and allied health professionals

  • COMS is an objective, independent, third-party evaluation and assessment of professional competence

  • Provides practitioners with greater confidence in their professional competence

  • Recertification requires continuing education points promoting increased job satisfaction

  • Accountability through ethical conduct standards and /or disciplinary process

  • Certification provides the public, specifically those seeking and receiving services, greater information in relation to the quality of services and service providers available

  • Individuals are better prepared and able to make informed decisions regarding the quality of services they or their family member/s receive

    For futher information click here.

©2021 by Paula Foote Orientation and Mobility Specialist.

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